About Us
Our first class medical transport services include our “personal touch” which is our way of saying nothing is too much to ask. We offer full “bedside-to-bedside” services from the most basic to critical care level.

Air Critical Care has fast become the leader in air medical transportation services. Our services always include our “personal touch,” as we like to care for each patient as if they were our own family. Air Critical Care offers medical flights in “Every City, Every State & Every Country Worldwide,” with corporate offices located throughout the United States that include Port Charlotte, West Palm Beach, FL Orlando, FL, New York City, NY, Michigan, North Carolina and Arizona. Air Critical Care is accredited, licensed and insured so you can rest assured that you are with the leader in air medical transportation services. We are revolutionizing the air ambulance industry by utilizing some of the most cost effective aircrafts that are specially configured as mobile intensive care units. Our air ambulance medical license (# AIR805) is something we have worked diligently for and is recognized and respected throughout the world.
Medical Transport Services
Our first class medical transport services include our “personal touch” which is our way of saying nothing is too much to ask. We offer full service “bedside-to-bedside” services, including ground ambulance services to and from the airports and facilities, and medical transport services from the most basic to critical care level, with medical crews who never leave the patients side to ensure the highest level of care for our patients and their families.
Listed below is a brief description of the standard levels of treatment offered for an air medical transport. Air Critical Care’s medical transport services teams stand ready to provide all levels of care from basic life support (BLS) to the most advanced critical care, even if the patient’s condition changes during the medflight.
Basic Life Support (BLS)
BLS is the most basic level of care that an air ambulance provides. BLS patients need minimal external life support, but are in need of observation and perhaps oxygen during the air ambulance transport. This is a very common level of service. This level of care is provided in all our services including commercial medical escort, commercial stretcher service and our private air ambulance service.
Advanced Life Support (ALS)
Patients needing Advanced Life Support (ALS) transport care are typically suffering from trauma, burns or respiratory/cardiac failure, but may suffer from a variety of other conditions. Patients on ALS transports may require the equipment and medical flight care to handle BLS functions as well as cardiac defibrillation, ability to control and monitor dysrhythmia, administration of drugs, and establishment and maintenance of respiratory airway function. This level of care is available in all our services.
Critical Care (CC)
Critical care is the highest level of care, typically necessary for patients who are gravely ill or severely injured. To provide exceptional care, the medical flight crew on all Air Critical Cares transports can include a physician or other specialty staff. Patients requiring a critical care air ambulance transport generally must utilize the private air ambulance service.
All staff members are critical care trained and we stand ready to provide all levels of care during the medflight in the event that a patient’s care would require these advanced services. Be assured, we are prepared to treat any in-flight medical emergency. Let us take care of your medically assisted long distance travel needs.