August 20, 2013

What Exactly is an Air Ambulance?

by brcwyngthm in Blog

An air ambulance is a business class aircraft that has been specially equipped with an FAA approved medical stretcher, advanced life support equipment, medications and a highly trained medical staff. It serves as a flying Intensive Care Unit, able to provide a wide variety of care to our patients. Some air ambulances are able to accommodate multiple patients on the same flight.

Air Critical Care’s air ambulances are equipped to provide the absolute highest level of care for your loved one/family member during this journey. Our staff consists of the the most experienced air medical team members in the industry. Depending on the specific needs of the patients, we can quickly assemble a medical team that includes:

  • Emergency Physicians
  • Critical Care Registered Nurses (CCRN)
  • Paramedics (CCEMT-P)
  • Registered Respiratory Therapists (RRT)

All of our staff exceeds all medical standards and have specialized training in Aero Medical Physiology and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS). You can trust that our team is prepared to take care of your every need!