September 17, 2013

What Does Texting Really Cost?

by brcwyngthm in Blog

There are a variety of cell phone plans to choose from. You may have to pay for every text you send. You may have an unlimited plan that not only allows you to text as much as you want, but also allows you to get on the Internet, download free apps, and have lengthy long distance conversations without having to pay any more than the same monthly free every month. No matter how good your cell phone plan is, it probably does not cover the cost of air ambulance services.

Air ambulance services are just a small part of the whole package you are going to have to pay for when you are using your cell phone to text while you are driving. Of all the things you could be doing that you should not be doing while you are driving, texting is probably right up there in the top three.

On top of air ambulance services, you can expect to pay hospital bills, testing, specialist bills, and any other medical bills that are going to become a big part of your life after you text and drive. Of course, that does not include any legal fees or sudden rises in your insurance rates. When you consider the legal fees, do not forget to include any fines that you get in states where texting and driving is illegal, and lawsuits that may be the result of you hitting someone else. All of those bills are on the optimistic side of things. How is that cell phone plan looking, now?