April 4, 2014

Making Sure Elderly Patients Are Home Safe

by brcwyngthm in Blog

The elderly are among the most common age group to require an air ambulance service. Whether these individuals are injured and their children want to move them closer to home to supervise their medical care or they become ill while traveling, a medical flight may be the only option to get the patient home. Once the medical escort makes the itinerary to get your loved one home, you should have peace of mind knowing your loved one will be safe and well taken care of during the relocation process.

Care during the Journey

Proper medical care is essential to ensure the health and safety of elderly individuals. An air ambulance service should provide the highest level of medical care at every step of the journey. Finding a medical escort that will be with each patient from bedside to bedside is extremely critical to the well being of that patient, providing an important continuity of care. The medical flight is just one aspect of the journey; the ground transportation is also essential to provide the proper care for each patient.

Tripping Hazards within the Home

After the medical flight, the medical escort’s job doesn’t end. The accompanying medical escort should do more than simply drop off the elderly patient. The medical professional should accompany the patient into his or her home and complete a thorough inspection to establish that the home environment is safe. Extension cords stretched across a room or doorway, throw rugs and even throw covers draped over furniture can be a tripping hazard. Falls are extremely dangerous for the elderly. The medical professional from the air ambulance service should walk through the home and remedy any of these tripping hazards, safeguarding the home for the patient.

Other Potential Hazards

Even though falls are one of the leading causes of injuries in elderly individuals, especially those who live alone, it isn’t the only hazard the medical escort should look for. Some individuals may have their water heater set too high or may not have the furnace on to combat cold temperatures. Other things to check for include slip-free carpeting, grab bars and a phone that is easily accessible from the bed so that the patient can call for help if necessary. All of these features will be inspected so that the patient is as safe as possible before the medical transport staff leaves him or her at home alone.

The health and safety of every patient should be a top priority for an air ambulance service. The medical flight may be their focus, but it is not the only place the company should provide care for the patient. Instead, a medical escort should be with patients throughout the trip, from the moment they leave their bed at a medical facility to the time they reach their home. Even after the trip is over, the medical professionals who have accompanied the individual from the start should check the home, making sure everything is safe before leaving the patient.

If you need an air ambulance service to transport an elderly relative back home, call 800-550-0674 or request a quote online now! We make sure he or she is safe during every part of the journey. This includes a thorough home inspection for any potential hazards.